Update: Annie is Alive

Update: Annie is Alive

Hello friends!

I’m so sorry that I have been super lax about updating here. I finally released Skeleton Bones, played a huge release show at the Doug Fir with my lovely friend Hannah Glavor, and since then have been laying low, sending out the discs to Kickstarter contributors, and all-around plotting my next year of musical adventures.

I just wanted to give you some quick tidbits:

1) I am currently booking an East Coast tour around Thanksgiving (end of November, beginning of December) so if you or someone you know would like to host an Annie Bethancourt house show, please e-mail anniebethmusic@gmail.com! House shows are a super fun, mellow time of music in an intimate space.

2) The album is now digital! If you’d like to buy it, I recommend BANDCAMP. (But, it’s also available on I-TUNES)

3) Lastly, here’s a video of my friend Jonah Sissoyev and I singing a slow-jam R&B song from the 90’s, because WHY NOT.