Day 28: I Can’t Be Good

Here’s a song. I wrote it. I recorded it in my pajamas. Whatever. Blah blah blah. Words about stuff. It’s day 28. Send Help.

Honestly I am losing steam here. The other day I had my brother check to make sure the comments section on these blog pages were working because I thought they were broken because no one was responding to them but, no, it’s just that nobody is responding to them.

To be fair, my dad DID immediately respond “Comment, comment, comment” when I told him this AND there is a dedicated spambot who says “Thank For Information” every day, so I SEE YOU DAD AND SPAMBOT!

You’re my only fans.

Ok, I’m done whining now.

I’m sitting inside by the window on a gray day, watching the leaves fall and drinking coffee and life is good.

I’m constantly interacting with people I’m inspired by (Role call: Jonathan Merritt, my new friend Kit who shares encouraging words from random strangers on Instagram, my friend’s 3-year-old daughter Alice who refused to be anything other than Nacho Libre for Halloween, etc…).

I’m doing a work that feels fulfilling, and reminding myself for the bajillionth time that making things is about the making of things and that it’s TOTALLY OK to feel disillusioned with that making at times.

And if there’s anything I want my music to speak to people (aside from giving them ideas on how to get their husbands to stop cheating or helping them know what to say to people who talk about biological clocks) it’s that WE ARE TOTALLY OK BEING NOT OK.

I used to do this thing where I was like “If I can’t be good then I’ll just be as shitty as I can possibly be.” And I’d go down into a whirpool of self-destruction and then feel perversely justified at how bad I felt, as if sadness and self-loathing were the only safe harbor to tie my boat to.

Well this will surely help me escape the crappy feelings I currently have about my life!
It’s honestly a feeling of warring with yourself–doing things you hate and hating that you’re doing them, and thinking somehow that the best way to deal with the shame from this cycle is to shame yourself into changing it.

Uh…turns out you can’t grow self-love that way. Weird, right? 

I’ve learned that the best way to meet this spiral isn’t to burn everything to the ground and walk away in slo-mo. It’s to stop. Sit. Allow. Let things be, without judgement or deep-dives into negativity.

I’ve gotten better at just letting things be “ok.” Letting sadness be ok. Meeting anxiety as a friend. Telling perfectionism “Thanks, but no thanks–you know you are highly illogical, right?”

I hope this tune encourages you to do the same, and give yourself a break.

I Can’t Be Good

I can’t be good so I try to feel the worst
Is this what you wanted? Is this what you want?
Cut out my faith but the sharpened space still hurts
Is this what you wanted? Is this what you want?

Burn those bridges down
and drown for something to cling to
Oh, so safe and found
when that sinking sadness meets you

I’ve been escaping,
but I’m making no distance from the places I run to
don’t do much for moving on

I can’t make things work, so I fuck everything all up
Is this what you wanted? Is this what you want?
Two minds averse, to wills at war with us
Is this what you wanted? Is this what you want?

Burn those bridges down
and drown for something to cling to
Oh, so safe and found
when that sinking sadness meets you
I’ve been feeling
but I got no healing to show
the things that I hold to, don’t do much for letting go

And I could do all the things you tell me to
but nothing inside that I’m finding will ever move
‘Cause life’s a mirrored frame
and you’ve been treating it like a window pane
and all of the beauty you’re losing is in you
it’s in you

I can’t be good and neither can you
Is this what we wanted? Is this what we want?
To be ok, not by gain of what we do
This is what we wanted! This is what we want

Burn those bridges down
a mound of ashes to seep through
hands held open now
and no longer bound or in debt to
expectations are not for manning a war
It’s what we are made for
all the things we’re moving toward

I can’t be good

Want more stories and songs?

Check out the entire month-long One Out October project at: